So, What Makes a Leader Exceptional?

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, but some stand out from the crowd. So, what makes a leader exceptional? Let's find out - from the traits and qualities that make them successful, to the strategies and habits they practice. Come explore what makes a leader truly exceptional.4 min

So, What Makes a Leader Exceptional?

How would you like to be a leader that stands out from the crowd? Have you ever wondered what it takes to be an exceptional leader? If so, you came to the right place. In this article, we will look at the critical elements that make a leader extraordinary. Read on to learn more about what it takes to be a leader who is on the cutting edge of success.

1. The Key Characteristics of Exceptional Leaders

Exceptional leaders have a keen ability to bring out the potential of their team, they understand the needs of individuals, take calculated risks, and make decisions with conviction. These leaders have a number of key characteristics that help to drive their success.

1. Creative Vision

Exceptional leaders have an eye for the big picture, they understand the importance of having a clear vision in order to drive progress. They also have the creativity to come up with ways to make that vision a reality.

2. Communication & Collaboration

Leaders that are able to connect with their team, inspire cooperation, and create trust lead to better workplace collaboration. They understand how to listen to their team and recognize the unique qualities of each individual.

3. Accountability

Being accountable for your decisions and taking responsibility for the performance of your team is a key characteristic of exceptional leaders. Leaders who hold their team to the same standards as themselves can create a culture of excellence.

4. Challenge & Change

Exceptional leaders understand the need to constantly challenge the status quo and embrace change. These leaders find ways to stay one step ahead of the competition and outpace the ever-changing nature of the business.

5. Passion & Positive Attitude

A positive attitude and emotional intelligence set exceptional leaders apart from the rest. Leaders that exude enthusiasm and optimism toward the goal at hand can not only motivate their team but ultimately make their whole organization better.

2. Strategies for Developing Leadership Skills

Trust Your Instincts

Leaders are not always born with natural skills, and you don’t have to be! Developing your leadership skills relies heavily on your instincts. Trusting them will improve your recognition of potential opportunities. Don’t be afraid to take risks or to make mistakes – if it’s done with good intentions, you as a leader will be able to learn from any mistakes and use them towards your growth.

Hone Your Interpersonal Skills

As a leader, it is essential to have a great set of interpersonal skills as it will help you to understand and relate to others around you. Show dedication to your team and invest time and energy into monitoring their performance.

Set achievable goals and reward those who help you to reach them. Developing the ability to motivate, delegate and foster healthy relationships with your team are skills that will make you a better leader.

  • Focus on building interpersonal relationships with your team.
  • Create achievable goals for the team.
  • Listen and empathize with your team.
  • Reward the team for their accomplishments.
What Makes a Leader Exceptional?
HubSpot Blog

3. What Great Leaders Do Differently

Great leaders understand that leading is more than just managing tasks and making decisions; it’s about giving direction, inspiring, and motivating. Unlike the traditional view, great leadership isn’t about being in charge and wielding authority, but rather, it’s about gaining the trust of those around you and influencing them in the right direction.

Here are some things great leaders do differently:

  • Understand their people: Great leaders pay attention to individual men and women, what motivates them, and how they will work together. They ask questions, engage in conversations and look for meaningful ways to improve their team.
  • Delegate effectively: Great leaders know when to lean on other team members, trust their expertise and delegate assignments. Delegation helps them to ensure that tasks are carried out successfully while using the strengths of collective efforts.
  • Listen more and talk less: Great leaders are great listeners, not just because they’re polite, but because they use the feedback to gain insight into their team. Intently listening helps them to empathize, motivate and have meaningful dialogue with those they lead.
  • Inspire trust: Great leaders know that trust is key in any team. They use their authority and knowledge to influence employees in a positive direction, building their trust in the process.
  • Focus on the bigger picture: Great leaders aren’t afraid to think big and have a long-term vision for their team. They keep their team focused on the big picture and the mission at hand.
  • Stay resilient: Great leaders recognize that failure is an essential part of success. They use mistakes as a learning opportunity to build and reinforce their team.

By fully understanding their people, developing effective leadership techniques, asking questions, listening, inspiring, and staying resilient in the face of adversity, great leaders can make a real and lasting impact on those they lead.

4. Reasons Why People Follow Exceptional Leaders

Leaders with exceptional quality can fill people with enthusiasm, ambition, and perseverance. Here are some reasons why people mold themselves under exceptional leaders:

  • Inspire Us: Exceptional leaders can inspire us to do better in our lives, encouraging a can-do attitude and a positive outlook.
  • Set a Good Example: Exceptional leaders act as role models, setting the groundwork for their coworkers to follow and do the right thing.
  • Passion Driven: These leaders have no fear when it comes to overcoming challenges and following their dreams, which is something we can all admire and appreciate.

Exceptional leaders can also provide emotional and practical support throughout their team. They have the capability to picture success and motivate those around them to pursue it.

Moreover, exceptional leaders also have the power to contribute fresh ideas and diverse perspectives, which can be invaluable to any team.

What Makes a Leader Exceptional?

5. Quiz: Test Your Leadership Knowledge!

  • 1. What are the five primary responsibilities of a leader? Answer: The five primary responsibilities of a leader include providing vision and direction, inspiring and motivating, problem-solving, managing resources, and building networks.
  • 2. What are the four types of power? Answer: The four types of power include reward and coercive, legitimate, and expert power.
  • 3. What are the five functions of leadership? Answer: The five functions of leadership include setting a vision, inspiring followers, developing strategies, influencing people, and directing operations.

Leadership can be a tricky subject to master. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to understanding the fundamental principles and traits of good leaders.

To test your leadership knowledge, try this short quiz! See if you know the answer to 3 common leadership questions. All you need to do is match each question to its correct answer. Good luck!


If you want to become an exceptional leader, you now have a better idea of what it takes. Making sure to stay focused, passionate, open-minded, and self-confident are key aspects of becoming an effective leader. Leadership is an achievable skill, and you now have all the tools to take your leadership skills to the next level!

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Wilbur K. Madden
Wilbur K. Madden, a seasoned writer at the forefront of diverse topics, delivers compelling insights and engaging narratives on the vibrant platform of our blog. Dive into a world of knowledge and exploration with Madden's expertise across various subjects.


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